標籤: Property owner

What should buyers pay attention to when buying an uncompleted flat?

Staged payments are generally provided in new properties, but mortgage payment installments can also start immediately. The advantage of opting for immediate mortgage installment payment is the buyer can enjoy a higher discount from the developer, but the former needs to start repaying the mortgage loan even before the property is ready for occupation.

[Property Owner Guidebook] 10 FAQs for Renting out a Mortgaged Property

[Property Owner Guidebook] 10 FAQs for Renting out a Mortgaged Property

Banks in Hong Kong have been known for low interest rates. Rents of most of the properties could cover the monthly mortgage payments. Therefore, some investors would rent out a property right after buying it in order to earn stable passive income. Below are 10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how renting out a property would affect mortgage application.