作者: Chen Anya
【新盤追擊】鬧市尋寶 首選旺角ONE SOHO
【on.cc東網專訊】旺角位置四通八達,生活娛樂配套亦多元化,所以一直是不少年輕人的聚腳點。在這片鬧市之中,即將有新盤出爐,便是由信和置業(00083)、莊士機構及市建局發展,位於山東街32號的ONE SOHO,樓盤的設計採用紐約SOHO風格,共提供322個單位,涵蓋開放式至兩房,其中一房戶佔八成半,迎合年輕單身貴族的口味。
市場期待已久的港鐵黃竹坑站首個上蓋物業終於登場,由港鐵、路勁基建、平安不動產合作發展的晉環(South Land),位於港島南區黃竹坑香葉道11號,一共提供800伙,提供兩座住宅大樓,戶型由開放式至4房戶,項目亦設有部份複式戶,實用面積由289至2084方呎。
【新盤追擊】沙田瓏珀山 安居樂業之選
[Comprehensive Guide on Investment in a Parking Space] Tips to gain mastery on how to calculate the stamp tax for parking spaces and flats with parking spaces
Compared with the stamp duty on residential properties, the duty on a parking space is much less. Since the government regards parking spaces as non-residential properties, there is no need for the buyer to pay the buyer’s stamp duty and special stamp duty. No matter how many parking spaces are purchased, a buyer is only required to pay a double stamp duty.
[Alternative Investment] Guide when applying for mortgage for car parking space
Private car parking spaces in Hong Kong have become a target for investors, especially since demand outstrips supply.
[Guide on Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) Flats] Seven must-read FAQs on land premium
If you pay attention to advertisements of real estate agents, you will often see a note which says “land premium has been paid” for HOS flats listed as on offer for sale. What is the premium?
[A comprehensive guide on government rent] Which types of properties need to pay government rent?
Many people find it difficult to distinguish between rates and government rent, and they don’t even know how they are assessed. Some people still say that those living on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon need not pay government rent.
Comprehensive Buyers’ Guide to Obtain 90 percent Home Mortgage Loan
Tom: “The government has relaxed mortgage insurance schemes, thus paving the way for more properties to become eligible to apply for and obtain mortgage loans of up to 90 per cent of the value of a flat. But is it difficult to apply for a mortgage loan?”
What tips are useful to landlords?
Not all properties can be offered for rent! If the property has been mortgaged to the bank, in principle, the mortgagee’s consent must be obtained before the property can be offered for lease. Many banks also have mortgage or rent restrictions on non-self-used properties.
What is the process of selling a flat?
1. Sign the Estate Agency Agreement for Sale of Residential Properties in Hong Kong and appoint a real estate agent to sell a flat
How can a first-time tenant or renter protect himself?
There have been fraudsters who pretended to be the landlord and who “disappeared” after receiving the tenant’s deposit. To avoid falling into this trap, first-time tenants should conduct a property search before signing a lease to confirm that the unit’s lessor is the “genuine landlord” and whether the ownership of the flat is complete.
[Trading of a haunted house] Is a haunted house worth buying? Is there a way to determine if a property is haunted?
Many people are averse and are very likely to resist any suggestion to purchase a “haunted house.” But because prices of “haunted houses” are generally discounted, properties in good locations have become the pick of some first-time homebuyers.
[Inheritance property rights] Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about inheritance property
In the event of death, the deceased is likely to leave some estate, which may include money, stocks, or property. When the inheritance includes a piece of property, this will involve numerous procedures. The following are common questions regarding inheritance of property.