Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch

Nina Lo 盧燕
Practice, Legal, Sales and IT Certification
Account Manager (S-564565)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock168
CPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one year
No. of stock168

Tim Tsang 曾萬全
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Manager (S-330068)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock130
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock130

Louis Leung 梁國康
Practice, Legal, Sales and IT Certification
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Tax Mortgage Certification
Chief Senior Account Manager (E-057434)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock124
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock124

Pro Mok 莫銘華
Digital Marketing Specialist Certification
Senior Account Manager (E-014444)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock83
No. of stock83

Angel Cheung 張璟
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Tax Mortgage Certification
Chief Senior Account Manager (S-290488)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock82
Elite Club (Achieved in Advance) Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant trainingExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written formElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock82

Jacob Poon 潘本偉
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Manager (S-314143)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock72
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written form
No. of stock72

Fanny Shek 石詩鑾
Chief Senior Account Manager (S-549012)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock56
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock56

Co Co Tsang 曾翠青
HOS Certification
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Manager (S-467864)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock54
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock54

Sherman Pang 彭國松
Chief Senior Account Manager (S-086092)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock28
Elite Club (Achieved in Advance) Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersGold Medal Agent Elite agents having achieved sales target set by the Company and pursuing CPDElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant trainingElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersExcellence in Customer Service Agent Nominated by supervisor/complimented by customers in written form
No. of stock28

Ken Lee 李佳明
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Principal Account Manager (E-401463)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock12
Elite Club (Achieved in Advance) Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersGold Medal Agent Elite agents having achieved sales target set by the Company and pursuing CPDElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock12

Eva Cheng 鄭倩芳
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
Senior Account Manager (E-238103)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock6
Elite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as membersGold Medal Agent Elite agents having achieved sales target set by the Company and pursuing CPDCPD Attainment Certificate Having acquired 12 CPD points (including 6 points from core subjects) from EAA within one yearElite Army Elite agents having achieved performance target and shortlisted by the Group to complete relevant trainingElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock6

Eric Fong 方思賢
Senior Agent (10 years or more)
District Sales Director (E-047855)
Tseung Kwan O - Metro Town Branch
No. of stock1
Ten Million Round Table Branch managers with annual sales turnover above HK$10 millionDistrict Manager of the Month The first district manager having achieved sales target set by the company every monthElite Club Elite staff whose annual performance has reached the target set by the Company may join as members
No. of stock1