Pak Shek Kok
There were 8,206 residential units in Pak Shek Kok. The number of units ranked 71st in the 130 districts. Major estates included Mayfair By The Sea 8Providence BayThe HorizonSt MartinSolariaOntolo. The number of transactions were 197 in the past 12 months. The average saleable price was $14,046 in the past 30 days.
Pak Shek Kok
There were 8,206 residential units in Pak Shek Kok. The number of units ranked 71st in the 130 districts. Major estates included Mayfair By The Sea 8Providence BayThe HorizonSt MartinSolariaOntolo. The number of transactions were 197 in the past 12 months. The average saleable price was $14,046 in the past 30 days.
Price/ft² by trans. (Last 30 days)
SFA $14,046/ft²
Price/ft² by listing
SFA $15,984/ft²
Number of Private domestics in District
(The number of units ranked 71st in the 130 district)
Trans. (Last 12 mths)
197 Trans.
Air Quality Health Index
Monthly Average (Oct)
Pak Shek Kok Comparison
Pak Shek Kok Market Insight Chart
Pak Shek Kok Transaction Table
Pak Shek Kok Agent
Pak Shek Kok Branch